


Work Study is a financial aid program where various jobs as needed by the AHA community are worked in lieu of tuition payments. Award amounts are based on need and given through the Finance Department. Amounts are typically determined the spring prior to the year of enrollment. 

从所有的意图和目的来看,勤工俭学是一份工作. Like any job, there are expectations of those who have agreed to accept the job. 工人们应该准时上班, complete the tasks in a satisfactory manner and to complete all required hours before the end of the school year deadline. They are also expected to contact the person they are working for if they cannot work on the day and/or time as agreed to. 要知道工作分配并不能保证一定有时间. Circumstances can alter the amount of time and may even cancel the job assignment although Holy Angels works hard to avoid these situations. 学生 can also be removed from a job assignment if they are not showing up to work or performing their job as expected. 

Work Study should not be confused with the Volunteer 服务 hours required for graduation or volunteer time spent in support of the student’s team. 这些项目还有其他考虑因素和指导方针. The hours worked for Work Study cannot be applied to these programs and vise versa.  

Hours awarded need to be completed within the academic year by the deadline communicated. 根据学校政策, if a student has not completed his or her hours by the end of the school year, the remaining amount due that would have been paid by the 菠菜网lol正规平台 through Work Study will be billed as tuition, 按比例分配. Hours are not transferable from year to year or student to student. AHA reserves the right to drop students from the program because of repeated performance problems. It can also mean reduced financial aid for the following year if a good faith effort is not being made towards completion.  

时间必须为与神圣天使相关的项目工作. 工作由圣天使工作人员监督和报告. If uncertain whether the hours are part of the Work Study program, 请与勤工俭学协调员联系. 他对排位赛时间做出了决定. 不接受自报工时. 

There are two types of jobs: long term assignments and short-term special events. 

The most common long term assignment is cleaning a classroom, the library or office. 如果学生被分配给老师或工作人员, 这是强制性的,他们每天报告他们在学校, 除非与该工作人员另有安排. Most students work 15-20 minutes immediately at the end of the school day or before the school day, 这是和工作人员安排的. 通常, 如果一个学生每天只工作15 - 20分钟, 他们不会满足他们所有的时间. 学生 need to watch for emails advertising other job assignments. At the beginning of the school year, teachers request particular workers for their needs. If a student has a staff member they would like to work for they should feel free to contact them and ask for a position.  

Short term assignments  are special events that occur throughout the school year. These are jobs that range from working concessions to ushering for a theatre production here at Holy Angels. 当工作人员需要工人参加特殊活动时, 他们联系勤工俭学协调员. The Coordinator then emails announcements about job opportunities to students and parents. 日期的一般详情, 次, 工人人数, general description of the job and who to contact to sign up will be provided in the email but any response needs to be sent to the staff member requesting help. Do not send a reply to the Work Study Coordinator as they are not running the event and will not know the details. If any student or family feels they are not getting announcements, contact the Work Study Coordinator and they will make sure all contact information is correct.

Beginning the first week of October a Monthly Report will be sent out on how each student is doing with satisfying hour requirements. If questions arise between the reports, do not hesitate to contact the Work Study Coordinator.  



  • When you receive or agree to a job assignment, check in with the supervisor before working. This will ensure that you get credit for working plus you will receive directions from the supervisor.
  • 如果你不能达到期望,就不要接受任务.
  • If uncertain whether the hours are part of the Work Study program, 请在活动前与勤工俭学协调员联系. 协调人决定资格小时数.   
  • Let the supervising staff know you if you cannot meet your commitment.
  • You may want to track your hours and check them against your monthly report. 如果有分歧,我们可以解决. 
  • Student managers for the sport teams can get hours if they do not compete in the season.  学生经理必须有学生经理协议表格.  勤工俭学协调员有表格.   Be sure the signed form is submitted to the Work Study Coordinator.  没有表格记录的工时报告将不被接受.
  • Hours must be submitted within thirty days of the event or the end of the session.
  • 不要害怕提醒员工上班时间.
  • 所有的勤工俭学工作者每个月都应该完成几个小时.  As the year moves along, competition for jobs and hours gets tougher.  如果工人等到第三个月才完成工作, history has shown that there is not enough time or opportunities to complete all the hours. 


  • While the program is primarily student centered, parents can work certain events. 事件 needing supervision or handling money can use parent workers. For most of those events the parents can work with but not instead of their students. 员工主管将知道事件是否可以使用家长. Working concessions for our sporting event is a good example of a place where parents can work. 家长可以和学生一起工作,但不能代替学生.
  • Arrangements should be made with the supervising staff member before starting work.  This will ensure that you get credit for working and briefed on duties and expectations so everyone is on the same page.
  • If uncertain whether the hours are part of the Work Study program, 请在活动前与勤工俭学协调员联系.  他们根据排位赛时间做出决定.   
  • 如果你不能完成你的承诺,让主管人员知道.
  • You may want to track your hours and check them against your monthly report. 如果有分歧,我们可以解决.